Taman Ayun Temple is a Royal Temple of Mengwi Empire and it is located in Mengwi Village, Mengwi sub district, Badung regency and about 18 km north side of Denpasar. It is set on the land which is surrounded by the big fish pond and look like a drift on the water. It has a beautiful temple building with multistoried roof and Balinese Architecture. There is a wide beautiful landscape garden in the front courtyard to welcome all visitors who come and visit this temple.
The temple was built by I Gusti Agung Anom, a founder of the Mengwi kingdom in 1934, and were skilfully and renovated in later years, giving its present appearance which tourists find so attractive and interesting. The name itself means beautiful garden. It is built on a high tableland which is surrounded by ponds. This gives the effect from afar that the temple is floating on water.
The function of Taman Ayun Temple is a place to pray the god in their manifestation. It is according to the content of Babad Mengwi and the existence of temple building structure, especially the temple that is located in third area (Jeroan). According to Astadewata, the special God who is worshiped in Taman Ayun Temple is the God in manifestation as Lord Wisnu which his palace located on top of Mount Mangu.
In papyrus of Usana Bali mentioned that one of Dewa Catur Lokapalas carry through its worship in Meru Puncak Pangelengan which is a temple building with 9 multistoried roofs. Lord Pitara is a holy soul deity of ancestor who is also referred as the other names of Hyang Pitara or Dewa Hyang. Pitara God is obliged to be worshiped by clan’s heir (Prati Sentana) in the form of temple ceremony which has the same meaning as the ceremony to the god.
The worshiping to Lord Pitara in Taman Ayun Temple could be searched and proved by pursuant to the existence of temple building which lay by consecution in east which is called Paibon, that is representing Special Temple. Taman Ayun Temple in capacities or its status as special altar for the King’s family of Mengwi Palace or as a Merajan Agung from families of King Mengwi specially for I Gusti Agung Putu, the founder of Mengwi Empire.
The odalan of the Pura Taman Ayun takes place every 210 days on a day called Anggara Kasih, the Tuesday of the week Medangsia of the Balinese Pawukon calendar. The ceremonies of this odalan comprise a period of several days.
Photo Gallery Taman Ayun Temple

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